Dominican-Panama bribery links

A DOMINICAN Republic businessman  who has admitted  receiving $92 million from Odebrecht and is accused of using it to deliver bribes  has been linked to scandals in Spain through a company that has an operation in Panama.

Ángel Rondón Rijo, also used the services of Panama Law firm Mossack Fonseca to cover his activities.

Rondón,  a prosperous businessman and close friend of the current  President of the Dominican Republic Danilo Medina, presented himself as the commercial representative of Odebrecht on the island, and  claims to have received The $ 92 million, for his services.

But the Dominican authorities claim that he received the money to distribute it among officials of the Government, something that researchers in Spain think he  also did through one of his  companies to pay Dominican public servants for  the award of contracts

A company with Spanish capital,  with a subsidiary in Panama,I Inassa  is fingered  in Spain for the alleged payment of brimbes  to officials of the National Council for Sustainable Development (Conades), for the award of a $ 4.9 million contract to Inassa to build the Sewage system of La Pintada, in the province of Coclé, reports  La Prensa.