OPINION: Protesting sex workerarrests flout constitution

Hoyporhoy La Prensa June 4

IN RECENT years, workers, teachers’ unions, retirees, civil society demanding  a vigorous fight against  have freely  protested ;.

Catholic groups together with their evangelical peers, made it known that they rejected sexual and reproductive health and sexuality education projects in government schools.

 With this background, it is surprising how the National Police reacted to  a small march of university students, and activists for the Rights of female sex workers and other citizens, who wanted to draw attention to the alleged abuses committed by the National Police in dealing with them.

 The arrest of 15 people, who were taken to the  San Miguel barracks  and the refusal of the National Police to explain the protocols and practices In force to deal with street prostitution, cannot be the ways to address this social claim.

The actions of the authorities show that there is intolerance and even discomfort with this protest. Under the Constitution, we all have rights and especially minorities to express criticism of the actions of the State. That’s called democracy.