OPINION: Voice of Democracy

OPINION:  Voice  of  Democracy

Hoyporhoy La Prensa, July 13

THE SUBSISTENCE   of the newspaper La Estrella de Panamá as an information medium, which has been a reference link to the history of this country, is good news for its faithful readers and for the rest of the citizens, who see in it one of the pillars of freedom of expression in Panama.

Despite the recent difficulties that were believed to be hopelessly insurmountable, the medium has today sought alternatives that would allow it to maintain its validity and continue projecting informational views that help  our society to learn of national daily happenings.

We all hope that these new measures are adopted  in time to ensure the life of the publicationnt. Democracy is diversity, debate, tolerance and, above all, the freedom to inform and, to express freely. Thus, In the name of the still fragile Panamanian democracy, we applaud and celebrate that this newspaper, that was awaiting its fate as well as the El Siglo newspaper, continue to be a force, with the backing the  country, because

Its citizens firmly believe in democratic values, such as freedom of expression.