Uncle Martinelli joins general prison population

EX-PRESIDENT Ricardo Martinelli, behind bars in a Miami detention center while awaiting his extradition hearing is no longer in a solitary cell without access to to the outside world according to his spokesman
Eduardo Camacho told TVN that the man who days ago offered to pay bail of $20, million asked to be allowed to mix with other detainees in the Federal jail where he has been
Since June 12 tr, when he was arrested in Coral Gables, after the Panama Supreme Court requested his extradition to face the criminal charges of wiretapping political opponents, journalists and businessmen.
Roniel Ortiz, Martinelli’s lawyer in Panama, said that the former president was alone, in a cell , with bed,and bathroom, without windows and there was no way to communicate with anyone.
But four days later, he asked to be transferred with the rest of prisoners of the prison and now his stay Is more bearable.
Martinelli helps the other prisoners, guides them and attends to their inquiries.
His spokesman in Panama, Luis Eduardo Camacho, said that he known by some detainees as ‘The Uncle’ “because of his personality. “
He Receive visits from 8 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon and from 5 in the afternoon to 9 in the evening, in a lounge where the rest of the detainees receive their relatives and relatives.
Through an innovative idea that was not revealed by Camacho, Martinelli keeps up with everything that is happening in Panama and the world.
Since being arrested, Martinelli has faced two hearings in the Federal Court of Miami and both times
Judge Edwin G. Torres denied him bail and a hearing has been scheduled for. Deeming him a flight risk.
An extradition hearing is set for August 3.