MEDIA WATCH: The White House Kaleidescope

WITH OCCASIONAL pauses for “Breaking News” Washington, with the White House reality show as centerpiece continues to dominate media coverage around the world. This item helps explain why

The photograph, taken under seven months ago, shows just how much Donald Trump’s administration has rapidly changed says the BBC .

Taken on January 28, it shows Trump’s inner circle as he received a congratulatory phone call from Russian President Vladimir Putin following his inauguration.

On Friday, August  18, Steve Bannon became the latest casualty, added to a growing list of departures. But where are Trump and his closest allies now?

  1. President Donald Trump

Almost seven months to the day since his 20 January inauguration, Donald Trump is under pressure on several fronts – but he’s still president.

His presidency continues to be overshadowed by the ongoing Russia investigation. Key policies like the repeal of Obamacare and his travel ban have faltered.

Trump has also faced renewed criticism from senior Democratic and Republican figures alike for his response to events involving white supremacists in Charlottesville.

  1. Reince Priebus, (now-former) Chief of Staff

Priebus was ousted in late July after just six months, following a series of chaotic weeks at the White House.

The new (and now former) communications director Anthony Scaramucci was caught days before describing Priebus as “paranoid” over alleged internal leaks.

The former Republican National Congress Chief was replaced by retired general John Kelly.

  1. Mike Pence, Vice President

Pence remains as Trump’s vice-president, the only person in the picture (other than Trump himself) to survive the first seven months.

But in early August he was forced to deny he was preparing a 2020 presidential bid after a report by the New York Times.

  1. Steve Bannon, (now-former) Chief Strategist

Bannon has become the latest departure, after the new chief of staff Gen Kelly allegedly reconsidered his position.

As a fervent right-winger and former head of he helped Trump’s 2016 election campaign, but apparently came into conflict with the White House’s more moderate factions.

  1. Sean Spicer, (now-former) Press Secretary

Spicer become renowned for his fiery run-ins with the media, but resigned in late July over a shake-up that saw communications director Anthony Scaramucci come in.

Speaking to Fox News he said that there was a risk of “too many cooks in the kitchen”.

‘The Mooch’ would himself last less than 10 days in that role.

  1. Michael Flynn, (now-former) National Security Adviser

Flynn’s departure was one of the most contentious – he was forced out after 23 days in February when revelations over his links to Russia came to light.

Technically, Michael Flynn resigned, but he was asked to do so by the president. His departure followed weeks of deepening scandal in which it emerged that he had misled White House officials, including the vice-president, over his contact with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak.