Helpful cops nab bus driver, naked schoolgirl

WHEN POLICE on the North CCorridor stopped to assist a bus parked near an exit they found the driver  with a naked school girl and his pants down.

The driver is now  in jail for six months  while  being investigated and awaiting a trial date on  charges of violating a minor.

The incident took place on the  bus route Torrijos Carter – San Miguelito.

Police source told El Siglo that apparently the driver knew the minor who  studies at a school in San Miguelito and they had  spoken by WhatsApp and exchanged information for some time.

Police saw the bus parked close to one of the North Corridor exits, and stopped to see if had mechanical damage.

The driver  was charged with an offense against sexual liberty and integrity, (consensual relationships and corruption of minors).

It corresponded to the Fiscal Digna Castillo, to request the legalization of the apprehension in flagrancy.

Judge Massiel Ruíz, imposed the precautionary measure of provisional detention for the term of 6 months.