Human rights chief slams Trump media attacks

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Wednesday, August 30  that the incessant attacks by US President Donald Trump on the media could lead to violence against journalists.

Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein was particularly disturbed by the salvos recently launched by the State against CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post.

“Calling these press agencies “fake news” causes enormous damage, and talking in this way of the journalists, I ask, is it not an incitement for others to attack the journalists? “, said the High Commissioner.

“And imagine that a journalist from one of these press organs is injured, would not the president be the responsible for pushing this? “Zeid asked the media in Geneva.

“I think it could be considered as an incitement,” he said, adding that President Trump has put in a cycle that includes “incitement, fear, self-censorship, and violence”.

According to the High Commissioner, Trump’s attacks on the press encourage other governments that want to restrict the freedoms of the media.

“Demonizing the press is a poison because it has consequences elsewhere,” Zeid said.

During an aggressive speech Aug. 23 in front of thousands of supporters in Phoenix (Arizona,)

President Trump roared against his favorite goals – CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post– and called the journalists “dishonest people,” who “do not like our country.”

Trump asked the media, which he said falsely reported, “to admit their responsibility for the divisions  they cause.

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