Two adults four children die in Panama landslide

THE BODIES of six victims of a landslide in the Ngäbe-Buglé region including four children were recovered on Sunday, October  1  by members of the Joint Task Force.

Four people had been pulled out alive from a home in Cerro Colorado by first responders.

The landslide was the result of a water head, said José Donderis, director of the National Civil Protection System (SINAPROC).

Some 50 units, including members of SINAPROC, National Aeronautic System (SENAN), National Border Service (SENAFRONT), National Police, the Fire Brigade and SPI, worked for more than 15 hours to recover the bodies that lay beneath the mud of the avalanche said Sinaproc Twitter reports.

The dead were Viviana Tugri, 38, César Abrego, 12, Felicia Miranda, 22, Jeinar Miranda, 3, Fautinio Miranda, 13, and Venicio Guerra, 10.

Rescue teams arrived after a Saturday night alert that part of a house had been buried.  SINAPROC members managed to rescue two women and two children, who were transferred to the Regional Hospital of San Felix and the Maternal Hospital.

The survivors are Margarita Morales, 47, and Yolanda Abrego, 29, Andrea Abrego, one-year-old, and Simón Rodríguez Morales, eight.

El Siglo reports that the house was near a ravine and the tributary overflowed when blocked by an earlier landslide, triggering the slide that engulfed the house.