Martinelli loses criminal pardons hearing

Ex-President Ricardo Martinelli got another judicial set back on Friday, January 5, when Judge José Ayú Prado, as judge of guarantees, denied a request to throw out a case involving the granting of pardons to a group of detainees arrested for organized crime and aggravated homicide.

The pardons deemed unconstitutional  by the Court were signed hours before Martinelli left office and fled the country

In a hearing held in the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), Ayú Prado also refused to declare the termination of the criminal action and the closing of the file.

Sidney Sitton, a lawyer for Martinelli announced that he will appeal the decision, before the Plenary Session of the Court.

The case covers two Executive Decrees of June 24 and 30, 2014, where the former president

granted the pardons which were revoked by another decree of August 14, 2014.