OPINION: Panamas Climate Change Reality

Since its foundation on February 27, 1852, the city of Colón has been A victim of fires and floods. The most recent catastrophes of its populations that are at sea level have been intensified by the phenomenon of climate change and the senseless destruction of mangroves and reefs that protected this community in a natural way.

What is happening should not be a surprise, the Panamanian scientist Stanley Heckadon has been publishing warnings since 1985.  But far from taking note, the absence of urban planning and government neglect have increased the vulnerability of Colon.

Climate change is a reality that our politicians and entrepreneurs want to ignore risking the viability of all coastal communities of the isthmus. If the destruction of the mangroves persists and the lack of planning, the tragedy of Colon will be repeated in other areas of the country. The State has the duty to rescue Colon and to undertake another management model for the Panamanian coasts that does not imply more tragedy for future generations …LA PRENSA Jan. 10