Varela and VP head for Holland, Davos

President Juan Carlos Varela and Vice-president and Chancellor Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado are en-route to the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland, with a side trip to the  Netherlands.
When they arrive in Holland they will hold a meeting with representatives of Schiphol Airport “to exchange experiences about the operation, security and business model
of the country’s main airport, says a Foreign Ministry statement.
On Monday, Varela will tour the port of Rotterdam and will meet with Dutch
Prime Minister Mark Rutte, to “discuss cooperation projects in agro-logistics, water management, flood prevention, transparency and fiscal cooperation, among others “.
Later, according to the Foreign Ministry, Varela will meet with King William and Saint Malo de Alvarado will have an audience with the queen Maximum Zorreguieta.
The president and his delegation will move to Davos, on Tuesday, January 23.