Reconstruction of teen traffic death

Supreme Court Judge Ángela Russo, on Wednesday, January 24 presided over The reconstruction of the traffic accident involving a CD deputy that left 14-year old schoolgirl f Ruth Parreño dead in Colon in December.

Deputy Mario Lázarus- in the company of his lawyer, declared his innocence and said that the facts will be clarified.

He also asked for forgiveness from the Parreño family for the unfortunate accident. [He was reported to have left the scene of the accident]

Judge Russo is acting  as a prosecutor, as the deputy’s case has to be tried by the Supreme Court

Victor Parreño, the father of the dead girl, demanded that justice be done because “Lázarus must pay for taking my daughter away”.

The diligence was also attended,    by relatives and close friends of  the dead girl calling for justice,