Lawmakers arrogance mocks justice crisis

WEDNESDAY’S session of the Assembly Credentials Committee should have served for an enlightened exchange between the deputies and the magistrates appointed to the Supreme Court of Justice. Instead, some deputies gave a show  a childish arrogance. At times, the session seemed like a theater of horror, directed to humiliate the candidates and their substitutes. The insistence on trivial questions and veiled threats confirmed the perception that the best interests of the deputies were not to promote a sound administration of justice, but rather to corner the jurists. They spoke of both ethical faults and conflicts of interest and seemed to forget that they themselves are a true reflection of these problems.

After the circus show of yesterday, it is becoming more and more evident where they are able to arrive in order to exhibit a power that they themselves usurp with their questions of illegitimacy while they are questioned by their lack of probity in the exercise of their functions as deputies. It goes now to the full decision [in the Assembly] hopefully in a serious debate – while the Panamanian justice system is still immersed in the biggest crisis in our history… LA PRENSA- Jan. 15.