Dangerous social destabilization warning

PANAMA’S Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (Cciap)  has joined the growing clamor for President Juan Carlos to demonstrate leadership and convene a national dialogue to solve the political crisis that the country is currently experiencing.

In a brief, delivered on Sunday, March 18,  the Chamber said that  “facts, added together, warrant a climate of confrontations which can lead to dangerous social destabilization.”

The CCIAP points out that the conflict between State powers, projected as a way of measuring forces on the next electoral contest, “may affect the development of such  citizen consultation citizen with incalculable damages to our democratic system

“The foregoing, in the context of a situation that keeps justice hostage of a state of things that prevent it, on the one hand, being fully  effective to fight against corruption and impunity, and on the other, the delay in shaping the institutional scheme of the Supreme Court of Justice, highlight the need to promptly manifest  concrete and effective solutions for these problems “,

The organization highlights the importance of dialogue as an outlet to “Find answers to our most pressing priorities.”

The CCIAP says  “the ideal” is that the President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, lead the dialogue, being the head of the efforts to  “Ensure the maximum possible social stability”.

“No force legitimately representative of the interests of the country should be left out of a call to debate with tolerant, respectful participation  issues  that today  make up the agenda facing our country.”

Varela has dodged sitting down with leaders in Colon, the scene of a recent two-day province-wide strike, looting, and confrontations with security personnel. He has been criticized for finding time for photo-ops with soccer leaders and others while avoiding urgent national issues and moving on replacing retired Supreme Court judges.

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