Man detained for suspected rape of child under 11

Preventive detention has been confirmed for a  30-year-old man accused of the alleged rape of a  girl under the age of 11, in the district of El Porvenir in  Remedios, Chiriqui,

The incident occurred only days after the United Nations children;w aid organization (UNICEF) issued a report detailing the “alarming” increase in sexual crimes against minors, in Panama, leading to a call from some sectors for chemical castration of sexual predators.

Mauricio Ruiloba, Municipal Representative indicated that according to the investigations, the events occurred, when the aggressor took advantage of the fact that the minor was left alone at home  The suspect was surprised by relatives, who alerted the National Police who captured the man minutes later, reports El Siglo.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office has six months to continue with the investigation.