Metro stations checked after 5.5 quake


A 5.5 magnitude earthquake in the south of the Azuero Peninsula  shook  several parts of the country on Wednesday  evening, June 13  and  sent Civil Protection system Sinaproc) teams and firemen to check Panama metro stations and other buildings

  The epicenter of the tremor took place in the south of the Azuero Peninsula and was felt in the city of Panama, Coclé, Azuero peninsula, Chiriqui, and Veraguas.

So far Sinaproc has reported minor affectation in the shelves of a ‘Cerro Hoya’ grocery store, located in the corregimiento of La Arena.

The Fire Department of the provinces of Herrera and Los Santos carried out structural evaluations, including the Anita Moreno Regional Hospital of Azuero and recommendations were given to those in charge.