Martinelli defense team continue justice stalling game

While the team of highly paid lawyers hired by ex-president Ricardo Martinelli continued their non-stop attempts to earn their keep by blocking the advance of their client ’s indictment hearing he thumbed his nose at the justice system by reading the book he brandished when appearing in the courtroom.

The hearing resumed on Monday, July 9.

On  Wednesday, there is an extraordinary plenary session to decide if the Court maintains the jurisdiction of the case, and on Thursday, a hearing will be held with all magistrates, to attend to two appeals presented by the defense

The Judicial Body reported that the hearing before the plenary session will be held on July 12, at 2:00 p.m., to respond to complaints from Martinelli “against decisions of the securities magistrate issued on June 25 and July 4 “.

Monday ’s hearing started with a defense intervention, which presented more incidents for alleged violations of human rights, in the process against Marinelli presumed commission of crimes against the inviolability of secrecy and the right to privacy, and embezzlement.

Roniel Ortíz, lawyer of Martinelli, supported before the magistrate judge of guarantees Jerónimo Mejía the alleged violations of his client’s rights, the majority occurred on June 11, when

He was extradited from the United States. Ortíz complained because most of the documents delivered by the American federal deputies who accompanied Martinelli were in English.

He also claimed  that Martinelli  was denied any communication with his lawyers, and an ex officio defender was not appointed

From Miami, we gave him instructions that whatever they put him to do without his lawyers and against his will, he will leave it consigned, “said Ortiz to Mejía, and this is how his client, in several documents, wrote down phrases such as “all my rights have been violated” or “this is a political process order of Juan Carlos Varela “.

Three defense interventions were rejected by the JUdge of Guarantees Jeronimo Mejia

The prosecuting magistrate, Harry Diaz acknowledged that the law grants former presidents a lifelong custody by SPI agents, “but the defense does not understand that the defendant is deprived of his freedom, so you need custodians. “

“As a private entity, the Penitentiary System is responsible for the appropriate prison treatment and the security of those deprived of liberty, and we must remember that there is something called serious faults within the Penitentiary System.  And it is considered a serious offense to actively resist obeying orders … the first day, we waited more than eight hours for the accused to attend the hearing, “said  Diaz. He added that Martinelli, “despite his conduct”, enjoys guarantees and privileges that the rest of those deprived of not have.

Rosendo Rivera, the victim, and private accuser asked Mejía to make a call to the defense since it is ventilating facts already resolved in previous hearings.

“I remind you that Mr. Ricardo Martinelli spent three years in the United States and there was no SPI there,” he said.

Carlos Herrera, a coadjutant lawyer who represents Mauro Zúñiga in the process, said that the defense makes use of dilatory methods and tries to “denaturalize” the process  and

“Quotes documents that now they say they do not understand, a lack of procedural ethics,” he said.

before starting the hearing on Monday, a Martinelli lead lawyer advanced to media the stalling strategy of the defense.

“All the decisions that he – in reference to Judge Mejía – is  taking, may be subject to actions”