Wiretap victims claim millions as Martinelli defense ploys stumble

The latest delaying tactics of the Ricardo Martinelli defense team in his wiretapping trial got short shrift from Magistrate Jerónimo Mejía, acting as judge of guarantees. considered “insubstantial” the call of the ex-president’s lawyers to include the “occupations” of the victims of the espionage carried out by the National Security Council, between 2012 and mid-2014.

“I think it’s pointless, it’s about the victims whose testimony appears in the copies that the defense has … I think that is not essential … It is a fact that, in the context of accusation, is irrelevant, “said Mejía, at the continuation of the hearing on Wednesday, August 1.

Before adjourning the hearing for Martinelli to attend a “scheduled” medical appointment in a  private hospital,  Mejía heard the victims’ requests for compensation alongside any jail time Martinelli might receive if convicted. The fiscal magistrate Harry Díaz is calling for a 21 years sentence.

The lawyer of the PRD leader Balbina Herrera requested a compensation of $30 million for his client, based on Article 80 of the Code of Criminal Procedure on the rights of victims of crime.

Mitchell Doens, also a “target” of the National Security Council, described how his personal conversations were disclosed on the Youtube platform, which caused him serious personal and professional harm. For this reason, he requested compensation of $ 20 million.

Jovan Jaramillo Sánchez, attorney for the victim Rubén Darío Polanco, said that his client was treated by a psychologist, Jaramillo asked for compensation of $5 million.

Rosendo Rivera, victim and self-legal accuser in the trial said he will present the testimonies of five experts, psychiatrists, and a social worker. At that time, he will communicate his request for compensation.

Plaintiffs Mauro Zúñiga and Juan Carlos Navarro did not file a restructuring action, although They informed Mejía that they could subsequently file a civil lawsuit against Martinelli.

Sidney Sitton, Martinelli’s lawyer, said that “in the event that my client is declared criminally responsible “,  I will request that the case be transferred to the Third Chamber of the Contentious-Administrative of the Supreme Court of Justice.

Mejía recalled that the defendant was “Ricardo Martinelli and not the State.” Not one of the complainants included the State as jointly liable.

On his way out Martinelli said to reporters: “What madness, I have heard from the plaintiffs, in this political trial with their follies.  First of all, I am innocent, second, this is a political hoax, third, if they condemn me politically it is the Panamanian State that has to pay because I was President What madness.”

The trial resumes on Thursday, at 3:00 p.m.