OPINION Judges in hiding hope for new scandal

After three days of the disclosure of the message in which the Attorney General reported her meeting with Hernán De León, he is still hiding. And not only him, but also his colleague Ayú Prado and the substitutes Asunción Alonso and Efrén Tello. As is known, Porcell’s message denounces an alleged blackmail that the presiding magistrate would be subject to. More seriously, it suggests that De León has the inclination to succumb to it. Given the immense responsibility of the charge and the definitive separation of the position which the denunciation carries, De León does not seem to have contemplated this possibility. The jurist and his peers have taken refuge in silence, counting that a new corruption scandal will allow them to turn the page. The tactic has worked for them and others, including, the president of the National Assembly.

That is why, from these pages, we will continue reporting about their actions, their failures, and their presentations. In addition, we will remind the presiding magistrate that at this juncture there is no room for personal considerations  because What is at stake is not his reputation, but that of the Supreme Court of Justice … LA PRENSA, Aug. 16