25,000 jobs lost with Panama tourism in critical state

PANAMA tourism  is in a critical state with 25,000 jobs  lost in the last two years  and businesses closing says The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture,

Despite the recognition of its importance in the development of the country, the “The tourism industry slowdown  is evidenced in the loss of jobs  with a direct impact on the management of  services and products of the sector that have in some cases, had  to end their activities and in   others  reduce them severely  with the closing of several companies dedicated to various related fields” said a Sunday September 23 statement.

According to the Chamber, with the construction of the Amador Convention Center, it is necessary to move forward with the ratification of the contract of the administrator who will manage its operations, so that the nominee is able to participate in the making of decisions for the start-up of such an important work.

“To cover these and other aspects, it is extremely important to formalize  the Mixed Fund destined to our international promotion, especially the creation of its legal structure and the allocation of the necessary financial funds, and thereby avoid delays that are detrimental to ongoing projects and plans,” the organization said

ITt pointed out that the advertising campaign to promote Panama as a tourist destination abroad ends in November of this year, and  a call for tenders for next season “has not yet been

Made , which would mean losing continuity and strength in the corresponding channels and platforms “.

The Chamber insisted on the need to boost tourism as an activity of the country’s development through its multiplier effect in practically all areas of the  Panamanian economy.

“The private sector, in general, has been involved in supporting the strengthening of tourism but, it is necessary to take the aforementioned decisions and actions to empower tourism as a strategic factor of our collective progress and well-being,” says the Camber.