Martinellis political courtroom charade

UNDETERRED by the possibility that if found guilty of illegal wiretapping and embezzlement charges, he could be facing a 21-year jail term ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, continued playing to his base in the party he founded when his indictment hearing resumed on Wednesday, September 26.

He entered the  courtroom wearing a baseball cap promoting  his pre-candidacy to deputy of circuit 8-8 in the Democratic Change primaries, on Sunday

Prosecuting magistrate Harry Diaz complained that politics should be left “outside judicial state.”  Judge of guarantees Jerónimo Mejía did not make any decision about it, so the cap remained on the table that Martinelli occupied with his team of lawyers.

The hearing, suspended since Tuesday, September 18, ran from 10 a.m to 5.15 p.m.  with   Diaz, who objected to six of the 28 testimonial testimonies of the defense, and up to 46 documents, as  ” impertinent and inconclusive.”