OPINION: Anti-vaccine myths could mean a death sentence

research by the Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health Studies in the year 2011 revealed that of 6,000 women examined, 48% had some presence of  Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Since 2008, the Ministry of Health has been applying the HPV vaccine in the Panamanian population, focused on 10-year-old girls. However, this preventive health actions found multiple barriers to effective vaccination of the entire population.

Starting in 2016, all children were included in this vaccine, since it prevents not only cervical cancer in women, but also several types of cancer in men.

The vaccines have been fundamental in defeating large epidemics, however, there are those who insist, without scientific study that really corroborates this assumption, that vaccines cause diseases such as autism or in particular that the HPV promotes promiscuity or advances juvenile sexuality. These people seem not interested in saving lives, but condemn the credulous of these lies to the disease. Vaccines are a help for healthy living. Deception and prejudice are a sure way to lead to death. – LA PRENSA, Oct, 1.