One right one wrong says president of party faithful
The widely anticipated whitewash of Health Ministry Counselor Eyra Ruiz who was videoed at a crowded funeral after strongly denouncing quarantine decree violators, was confirmed by President Cortizo.
After receiving a report from the Metropolitan Health Region, Cortizo , affirmed that she did not violate any resolution or sanitary decree in force to prevent the spread of the coronavirus .
Ruiz, Minister of Health, participated last week in the funeral of a murdered leader of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) in the church of Santa Ana, an event questioned because of the large number of people who were around the church in the midst of quarantine
“I have the summary of the report: the Church was inspected before, the pews were marked to maintain their distance; 25% of the church’s capacity was met, a temperature was taken before entering, at the beginning of mass the doors were closed, the person did not die of covid and the doctor did not go to the funeral. In summary, Dr. Eyra Ruiz did not violate any resolution or decree, ” said Cortizo., on Monday, September 7.
Questions arose after videos of a large number of people on the outskirts of the church on their way to the church; even people carrying the PRD flag and the participation of a mariachi group hit the social networks.
Jobs for the boys
On the other hand, the president condemned a message from PRD deputy Alejandro Magno Castillero, accused of influence peddling, who in a video asked him for more “resources” and “appointments” for his supporters in the district of Chitré, Herrera.