OPINION: Flawed energy plan offers more of the same

The energy plan proposed by the current government, applicable until the year 2032, offers very little space to green energy, energy efficiency, and self-generation. According to the guidelines, at least 413 megawatts will come from new hydroelectric plants, including the Chan2 plant.  For state planners, there is no climate change, nor the effects of the El Niño current. As if that were not enough, the energy matrix increases its dependence on thermal generation with natural gas, turning its back on the international commitments by the country to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases. There is also no incentive for greater energy efficiency by public and private users, that with better construction practices and a more intelligent consumption management, could produce significant savings. It would be very easy to think that all universities, hospitals, schools, shopping centers, and police stations could have solar panels or cover their roofs with urban gardens to improve the quality of life of all citizens. An energy strategy for the country could be more imaginative, sensitive to environmental needs and the social challenges facing Panama. The proposal only offers more of the same and concentrates a lot of energy in maintaining insensitivity to environmental needs and the social challenges facing Panama. The proposal only offers more of the same and concentrates a lot of energy in maintaining a sensitive to environmental needs and the social challenges facing Panama. The proposal only offers more of the same and concentrates a lot of energy in maintaining a status quo that must change. – LA PRENSA, Oct 13