Colon floods bring ‘serious consequences’ for business and State

The Caribbean, Logistics Hub located in the province of Colon, has been seriously affected by the floods generated on Thursday, November 15 , said Daniel Rojas, president of the of the Colon Free Zone Users Association Rojas said  that they noted the effects on the operation of several ports, as well as zero traffic on the route to the Davis processing area and the Gatún and Aguas Claras locks.

These effects are of incalculable proportions for the reputation and image of the country, as operators, customers and competitors from the five continents are aware of the paralysis of logistics operations, Rojas said in a statement.

“We estimate serious consequences in the operation of our logistics ecosystem, a situation that generates heavy economic losses to the logistics business sector, to productivity and the coffers of the State”, the communication states.

Rojas  Zone, regretted that even the authorities have not been able to enter the affected areas to give an answer as urgently  as possible before the cessation of the Logistics Hub and urged the government authorities to assume the responsibility to lead a vision of State that guarantees a good infrastructure, maintenance of roads, ditches and sewers.