Martinellis sons arrested in FBI raid

The sons of ex-President Ricardo Martinelli were arrested by Interpol in Coral Gables  Miami on Wednesday as they tried to flee an FBI raid on their father’s  $8.2 million mansion reportedly carrying bags of money to board a yacht.

Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares and Ricardo Alberto are  wanted by Panamanian justice for money laundering in the Odebrecht and Blue Apple cases
The news came hours before the ex-president was to leave El Renacer Prison to appear before Judge of Guarantees, Jeronimo Mejia for the second day to in his wiretap and embezzlement hearing.

The Coral Gables Mansion

The information on the raid  was  first divulged by the Hispanic channel Telemundo, which said  that the arrest occurred at 9:30 a.m., when the brothers Martinelli Linares were preparing to board the yacht “White Shark “

René Pedroza , a journalist for W Radio in Miami, said they tried to “flee”, allegedly with “bags of money.”.

On RPC Radio, former Minister Alma Cortés, one of the former president’s lawyers, said that the strategy of the defense in the United States will be coordinated by Franklin Amaya, Guillermina McDonald, and Carlos Carrillo.

The entire team were to meet at Carrillo’s office,  at 2 p.m. when they should be in the Supreme Court for the wiretap hearing