In the world, there are sagacious, adventurous and risky men … Bright minds that have done extraordinary things and have revolutionized humanity. All, however, are children. Children of women who gave life to those brilliant minds. Women who cuddled them at birth, those who taught them their first letters, those who taught them how to dress or comb their hair … Many of them, in addition, have also been as revolutionary and transforming as the brightest men, so their legacy humanity has been double. Double for your individual contributions and for your contributions as mothers. It is fair to recognize the role of women on the planet and that remains a leading figure in these times and is appreciated when most of them are those that come out of the university classrooms. Today, Panamanians commemorate Mother’s Day, a date in which thousands of children honor those women who have helped to forge this nation. They are undoubtedly central figures in national affairs and in the unity of the family. And in these moments, when the world goes through another metamorphosis, where the technological and digital revolution has penetrated every home, women manage to keep the family together. To them, this tribute for their tenacious work and their contribution to the progress of humanity. Happy mothers day! –  LA ESTRELLA Dec. 8