$12.421million for World Youth Day Structures

TEMPORARY  structures for World Youth Day (WYD) in Panama on the Cinta Costera and in Metro Park are already being assembled and will have a price tag of $12,421,813. The sum includes platforms, sound, screens, and bridges.

On the Cinta Costera area where most of the events will be concentrated, a  four-level platform with 96  speakers is being erected.

The  Ministry of the Presidency contracted the JMJ Santa María la Antigua consortium    The price includes the assembly and dismantling of the structures that will be installed on  the coastal strip -named Santa María la Antigua  for the WYD event – and in the area of Metro Park, in Juan Díaz, named  the Juan Pablo II field.

The Metro Park area, where Pope Francis will celebrate mass will include a platform with perimeter railing and access stairs, A security fence must be installed to protect “sensitive areas”,  a ceiling for the altar and an elevator with direct access to the altar. It also includes the incorporation of awnings for service areas, carpets, air conditioners and a bathroom trailer for use by Pope Francis.

In Metro Park, where the papal vigil will be held, the consortium will install 10 pedestrian bridges to connect Corridor Sur  Corridor with the southern sector of the Metro Park to allow the passage of approximately 35.000. people.

Construction began on November 20 and should be ready for December 20 to comply with the security review. Its inauguration will take place on January 22, with the opening mass to be celebrated by Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa. Then, it will be used for the welcome of  Pope Francis and for the Way of the Cross.



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