OPINION: Violence delegitimizes cause

For more than 20 years, the agricultural sector has been subjected to important economic, productive, logistical and technological pressures and to the transformation of commercialization and consumption habits. Government after government, the country has witnessed a string of improvisations on agricultural policy. On the other hand, we must bear in mind that any measure tending to solve the problems of agriculture through protectionism will have an effect on consumers, who make up the vast majority. It is not only about taxes destined to subsidies, but also about limiting the options of families when buying. That said, no one can deny the material and immaterial value of the primary sector and the imperative need to address their claims. What can never be excused, much less justified, is violence against officials, individuals, and damages against public or private property. The crowd in Divisa became a nonsense that delegitimized the protest. Panama cannot afford to tolerate these incidents. The whole society loses when violence becomes the way of interaction between citizens and Government.-LA PRENSA, Dec. 20.