Pope asks simplicity Panama splashes

Government lavish spending on World Youth Day already over $61 million has set off alarm bells in civil society and led to a statement from The Apostolic Nuncio of Panama.

Miroslaw Adamczyk said that the Pope has requested simplicity for his visit to the country in January.

On Friday, December 21 the representative of the Pope in Panama was asked about the Government’s purchases for his reception.

Adamczyk said that they have received many delegations from the Vatican during the year and the voice of the delegates of the pontiff, who are in charge of preparing the visit has always been “simplicity, without anything special.”

The questioning of the State by civil society took place because of the cost of the platforms that are being built in the central points of the WYD.

In addition, a $14,000 red carpet at  Tocumen International Airport and the $17,000 purchase of six puppies to reinforce the canine search unit of the of the Civil Protection System, among other items.