Panama students get 3rd place in world robotics contest


Three Panamana public school students and their tutor took third place in the World Educational Robotics finals in Shanghai in which involved over 10,000 competitors from 20 countries on December 15 1nd 16

The students Delian Espinosa , Julio Girón and Jolie Alain attend the  National Institute , and the tutor Shasday Camarena ,  is from Fundesteam  a non-profit NGO  committed to the promotion and development of education in science, technology, and  engineering,won the


In the event -which took place on December 15 and 16 in Shanghai, China- more than 10.000 thousand competitors from 20 countries participated. Over 50,000 competed in qualifying events

The National Institute is one of 38 public schools in the country that has received educational robotics assistance thanks to the public-private partnership developed by Fundesteam