Prosecutor issues alert to pilgrims and potential molesters

PANAMA’S  Public Prosecutor’s Office has issued recommendations for World Youth Day (WYD) pilgrims  -January  22-27 – to avoid being victims of crime, and a parallel warning to potential thieves that they could be sentenced to as much as  18 years behind bars, most likely in the La Joya hell hole.

With up to 250,000 people at a time expected at events on the Cinta Costera and in Metro Park,  security forces have been expanded and will be on high alert, but many individual thieves and gangs are looking for easy pickings in advance of Carnival.

Many participants have already arrived, but the principal inflow is expected on January 20.

Among the  commonsense recommendations  are:

-Travel in groups.

– When entering and leaving an ATM, be cautious and verify that you are not being watched.

– Do not count money in public; divide it in several parts, and spread it between your wallet and in different pockets.

– When boarding a taxi, make sure it is properly identified and labeled.

– When paying by credit card, do not allow the clerk to take it.

The Public Ministry has also exhorted pilgrims to have in hand the telephone numbers of the assigned parish or diocesan coordinator.

The prosecutor Julio Villarreal warned that for crimes against domestic or foreign tourists having aggravating circumstances, for theft, the sentence can reach 18 years.

Health authorities have issued warnings about paying attention to UV alerts, and recommended the use of hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen and staying hydrated.