Flawed Convention Center project facing cancellation

The  Amador Convention Center, a centerpiece of the Ricardo Martinelli administration’s construction projects has over 2000 critical and serious flaws in its design, construction, and structure, according to a technical report from Panama’s Tourism Authority of Panama (ATP), which has informed the consortium in charge,. of its intention to cancel the contract.

Problems in the fire system, inefficiencies in the installation of steel structures, and the unforgivable lack of final plans that contain all the changes made to the design, are some of the deficiencies detailed by the ATP in the letter sent to the  China-Panamaconsortium CCA- Cocige , which in 2016 committed to finish the project by December 2018 reports La Prensa..

The design includes an exhibition area of 30,000 square meters and a capacity for 25,000 people.

Whether or not the failures are correctable, the cost of the remedy and the time that this implies. are unknown.

The ATP alleges 2,181 incidents or failures committed by the contractor, which cover other problems, such as lack of personnel and work performed without the corresponding permits.

Given the delay, and due to the failures cited by the ATP, the Comptroller General recommended that the institution be “willing” to execute the compliance bond to protect the interests of the State.