Voters no longer open to “ham” payola

Panamanians “have stopped being stupid” and can no longer be bought with hams as was done before said vice-presidential candidate Jorge Arango and running mate of presidential candidate Ana Matilde Gomez.

He was referring to the annual free distribution of hams to El Chorrillo voters by a  long-serving CD deputy.

 The former Minister of Agricultural Development was speaking on AM News and  said  he decided to accept the candidacy after studying “the mistakes” committed by some politicians that do not change the realities of Panamanians in many aspects and he has perceived impotence, frustration, nonconformity, in many sectors of society that cause concern ” for the direction in which a group of politicians is leading the country .”

According to Arango, the country will be lost if the same mistakes continue to be made. Among the changes that have to be implemented, according to Arango, is to end presidential and have decisions made by a cabinet committee of experts, and not just political hacks.