Movin defends accountability campaign


Representatives of the Independent Movement (Movin)  delivered to the Electoral Tribunal (TE) on Friday, February 22   a written a written response to 13 complaints admitted by the entity against the movement.

The complaints – some anonymous – came after the TE removed several billboards of the ”Keep Your Eyes Peeled” (PelaElOjoPanamá) campaign promoted by Movin, with the argument that they violate the Electoral Code and the current campaigning ban until March 4.

The campaign reminds voters of controversial issues that featuring some officials who, , are candidates for elected positions. Giant billboard carry fences have the faces of deputies and deputies of different parties, accompanied by phrases such as “Publish your spreadsheet”, for example.

13 complainants
The denunciations are over for correspond to the use of photographs of 13 officials, ex-employees and/or candidates: Katleen Levy, Rómulo Roux, José Isabel Blandón, Ricardo Martinelli, Rubén Frías, Sergio Gálvez, Dana Castañeda, Mario Miller, María “Chelita” Delgado, Zulay Rodríguez and Yanibel Ábrego. Of the last two, there are two complaints about each one.

“There are 13 complaints almost equal and they have given us two days to deliver, so it has been quite a marathon, but here we are fulfilling,” said Annette Planells, Movin leader.

“We hold first that it is not an electoral campaign because we are not a party or a candidate, and secondly, this is part of our freedom of expression and of the right that citizens have to be informed, especially at a time like this, that we are in. an electoral tournament, “said Planells.

She added that # PelaElOjoPanamá is not a positive or negative campaign, “but a public accountability campaign.”