Flood of social media propaganda complaints

The Electoral Tribunal (TE) is investigating over 80 complaints about the alleged violation of rules governing the election and has. issued 39 edicts ordering the suspension of propaganda in different digital media

The biggest number of complaints received by the Digital Media Unit of the TE are about the presidential candidates José Isabel Blandón, of the Panameñista Party, and Rómulo Roux, of Cambio Democrático (CD).

It also affects the accounts of their respective political parties and social organizations that have made publications for and against someone on social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even YouTube.

Among other things, the TE alleges the breach of some of the parameters established in Decree 31 of October 13, 2017, on the scope and limitations of the electoral campaign.

although the Electoral Tribunal ordered the suspension of some publication, the result is not immediately seen, because they must send requests to Facebook, which, for example, is based in Ireland.

The Electoral Code states that those who violate the electoral ban may be faced with fines ranging from $50 to $1,000.