5-day beach security alert

A five-day wind and waves alert was issued by the Emergency Operations Center (COE) of the Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) on Friday, March 8.

Waves up to 3.5 meters high are forecast from data provided by the Etesa  Department of Hydrometeorology. In the Ngäbe Buglé and Veraguas Norte regions, of Bocas del Toro, waves of 1 to 2.5 meters are expected with wind gusts of 10 to 25 kilometers per hour at and 6.5 to 10 seconds intervals.

In Colón and Guna Yala, the waves will be between 1.5 to 3.5 meters and wind gusts of 25 to 45 kilometers per hour at intervals and periods of 6.5 to 11 seconds.

The authorities have asked people to follow the warning recommendations on the beaches, through the color of the flags that indicate if the sea is suitable for swimming, to locate the presence of lifeguards, not to install tents and equipment near the shore, and do not bathe in secluded beaches, and avoid avoid fishing in dangerous places. sINAPROC