Winds, waves, create extreme security alert

Panama’s Civil protection authority (Sinaproc) has issued a warning of high waves caused by winds up to 60 km in eight provinces and two indigenous regions.

The alert was issued at noon on Wednesday, March 13  and remains in effect until Saturday, March 16. In the province of Chiriquí and the Ngäbe Bugle region the winds will reach up to 60 kilometers per hour, while in the provinces of Panama West, Los Santos, Coclé, Herrera, Veraguas and Bocas del Toro, as well as in the Ngäbe Bugle and Guna Yala winds will be up to 40 kilometers per hour.

Strong winds that can bring down trees will occur in both coastal and mountainous areas.

“Cross winds on the Pan-American Highway, could cause rollovers and deviations of speeding automobiles moving at high speed,” said a Sinaproc statement.

Sinaproc director , José Donderis, asks the population to “take extreme security measures”.