CD candidate activists attack journalists


Supporters of deputy and president of the National Assembly, Deputy Yanibel Ábrego have been accused of attacking journalists in Capira on Sunday afternoon. March 17.

Mauricio Valenzuela, of the multi-media platform Claramente, told La Prensa that when they were recording from the street, a group of people wearing T-shirts with the name of the deputy attacked them with “sticks and stones”. They shouted to them that they did not want them in that place, because they claimed that it was private property.

“Information came to us me that the deputy Yanibel Ábrego of Cambio Democratico  (CD)was going to be handing out bags of food in a community deep in the mountain of Capira, so we sent a team, to document the activity. They followed a caravan of cars labeled Yanibel Ábrego, and carrying merchandise behind, covered with canvas., “he said.

“We followed them and arrived at a point high in the hills that in on a small lot, We got off,   documenting everything from the road, because it was private property, but we saw the whole event from outside. and then we were immediately greeted with aggression.” One of the team’s cameras was damaged

The deputy Ábrego was called to give her version, of the incident but she has not responded.