Pedestrian blessing,blocks fire call

Concrete bollards intended to separate pedestrians from cars on Calle Uruguay v have been temporarily removed after a Fire Service vehicle responding to an emergency got stuck on Monday, March 23.

According to the firefighters, they had difficulty traveling on Calle 49th and with Uruguay Street, Bella Vista, due to the placement of the bollards. 

After the incident, the  Mayor’s Office the temporary removal of the. bollards.

“The bollards have the function of separating vehicular traffic from the pedestrian flow in areas where the decision has been taken to prioritize the latter against the predominance of the car,” said the Mayor.

The placement of the bollards was part of the $33.4 million renovation work on Calle Uruguay,

“The inspection of the work and its measures have the approval of the Panama Fire Department and the Transit Authority, and the technical team is reviewing the approved plans versus what was installed by the company in charge of the project,” the Mayor added. 

The Uruguay renovation project is 80% complete.