3 days mourning for 18 dead in traffic accident


Rescue authorities, in Guatemala, have downsized the number of people run down and killed in a bizarre traffic accident from 30 to 18, but 19 people were injured, some seriously.

Mario Upun, of the Departmental Municipal Firefighters, told Acan-Efe that the deaths include  an 8-year-old girl

A heavy transport truck vehicle ran over a group of people, gathered around a man who had  been hit by another vehicle   at the entrance to Nahualá, in the department of Sololá, on the Interamerican HighwayRoute, when

The Public Ministry went to the site to collect evidence and investigate the incident The 28-year-old driver, who had tried to flee was arrested.

The Government of Guatemala announced that from Thursday there would be three days of “national mourning” and “actions” are coordinated to provide “all the support to the families of the victims,” as well as medical assistance. to the wounded who