Father and son rescued from mudslide

 A father 54  and his son. 24, buried in an mud slide  brought on by heavy rains in La Arboleda , on the road to Llano near Las Tablas on Saturday, July 12 were saved  from death  by a team of  firefighters on Saturday, July 13.

 A father 54  and his son. 24, buried in an muds ide  brought on by heavy rains in La Arboleda , on the road to Llano near Las Tablas on Saturday, July 12 were saved  from death  by a team of  firefighters on Saturday, July 13.

The men  were placing sewage pipes when the sides  of the trench  collapsed

They  were  rescued after ninety minutes  of intensive work by units of the Fire Department of Los Santos supported by the  Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), using  a backhoe and hand tools while rain continued to fall.

They were transferred to  the Joaquín Pablo Franco hospital in Las Tablas.