Investigation of  former president Varela said underway


An investigation of the ex-president Juan Carlos Varela, has already opened, after a complaint of money laundering, organized crime, illicit association, corruption of servers and unjustified enrichment, for his  alleged linkage to the collection of Odebrecht bribes  through an aka Cachaza has already begun says Attorney General Kenia  Porcell according to a Critica report.

Porcell said that it was “false” that she wants to protect the former president who appointed her. “The protection of Varela is a “media invention,” she said.

 “Kenia Porcell does not investigate this person who appoints me (Varela)… I do not have that competence… that that is the job of the anti-corruption prosecutors” reports the Martinelli owned newspaper

According to the complainants of law professor Miguel Antonio Bernal and Sidney Sittón, one of Ricardo Martinelli’s, lawyers a series of companies and individuals who served as “frontmen were used for the commission of bribes  “illicit”,” . This group includes Jaime Lasso, Michell Lasso, Don James Foundation, Juan Antonio Niño, Margarita Reategui de Niño and Carlos Dubey.

They also claim that Chinese companies such as BK Rekhatex (HK) Ltd., Taishan Rongfeng  Printing Plastic Ltd., and Taishan Baofeng Plastic Hardware Co. were employed.

The lawyers request to release judicial assistance to the Bank of China (Taishan Sub-Branch, Postal Savings Bank of China and Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) banks.

Recent reports reveal that Odebrecht gave $ 16 million to a character in Panama identified as “Cachaza.” says Critica.

Since 2007, “Cachaza” or “Cachaça” has been the recipient of 55 transactions, said La Prensa which also warned that many of the payments are directly related to figures of the Panamenista Party, including Jaime Lasso, and Deputy Jorge Alberto Rosas, as well as V Tech and Poseidon Enterprises.

In Brazil, an alcoholic beverage that is obtained as a product of the distillation of sugarcane juice is called cachaza, just like a drink in Panama reports Critica.