Security Minister inherited “administration in pieces”

Panama’s Minister of Public Security, Rolando Mirones, in office for a little over a month said Monday, July 29, that he received an administrative force in pieces.

Mirones made the claim during an exclusive meeting with La Prensa and said that in recent years all laws of the public force were violated, – those governing the National Police, the National Border Service and the  National Aeronaval Service (Senan), in terms of promotions and appointments.

The minister stressed that these laws were violated openly without any fear, with decrees signed by former president Juan Carlos Varela.

“Things that should have been evident not only for legal advisors but for the president himself,” Mirones said

He stressed that someone had to call attention to the fact of the appointment of a person who did not go through any academy and became a sub commissioner.

Naming names
“There are several names that are going to come out later, because we are going to put complaints or demands, name by name, in the Supreme Court,” said Mirones, who added that there are hundreds of cases.

He stressed that there were cases of people who received irregular promotions, above those who had a 20-year career.

Many of those who entered irregularly, some retired under the special law with high salaries, violating existing norms.

“We are going to present the pertinent actions in the Supreme Court, which is the guardian of the constitution and the legality of those hundreds of cases,” he said.

Asked if the complaint would reach former President Varela, the Minister said t the names that come out would be determined by the Supreme Court.

On the public complaint made by Attorney General, Kenia Porcell, that sending personnel of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ)  on vacation would affect investigations of sensitive cases, Mirones confirmed that on  Wednesday  he will meet with her  to address the issue along with National Police chief Jorge Miranda, and  DIJ director Manuel Castillo,

“At her request, we will go to talk and exchange what needs to be exchanged because Article No. 2 of the National Constitution tells us to work in harmonious collaboration and we will do so.”

The tension between the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Executive Branch occurred after four DIJ agents who were in sensitive cases, such as Pandeportes, Odebrecht and Blue Apple, were sent on vacation.