Four dead two hospitalized  as  La Chorrera gang warfare flares

Gang warfare in  La Chorrera, of Panama Oeste, has left four dead, including a woman and three seriously injured.

The first of killing was on September 18  on the Arraiján – La Chorrera highway, when, Wilfredo González Peñalba, was hit by a hail of bullets while driving his vehicle into the interior.

Hours later, , Alex Ramses Araúz Degracia, 23, was shot five times while he was in the Cerro Negro sector in the Guadalupe district, he remains in serious condition in a medical center.

On Sunday, September 22 José del Carmen Mendoza was riddled with bullets while he slept in a  house in the corregimiento of Burunga, in Arraiján.

In the afternoon Luis Navarrete Smith a member of the Llano Largo, football team, was shot dead, shortly after finishing a game.

The last of the victims was recorded at 11:00 p.m. the same day, in sector one of La Pesa, when gunmen shot a couple, resulting in a fatal wound to the head  of Isaura Coronado, 27.

 Tomás Francisco Cedeño, 27 years, is being held in hospital after being shot in the hip near the spine.