Justice system “a laughing stock“ following recent rulings


Two controversial court rulings on Wednesday, October 2 highlight the collapse of Panama’s justice system which has become a laughing stock says prominent lawyer Ernesto Cedeño.

He told TVN Noticias  that in the Odebrecht case, there is no knowledge of any high-profile person serving  any sentence and to that is added the result that was obtained in the case known as El Gallero in which 15 accused walked free after a three-year investigation and four months trial

He says that the message is not plausible for the strengthening of justice, composed of both the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), and the Public Ministry (MP) and that there is no certainty of punishment for prominent suspects.

In the case of De Saint-Malo, brother of the former Vice-president and foreign minister, he highlighted the fact that the corregimiento representative where he would do the community work was present at the hearing.

According to Cedeño, all these results highlight the message of impunity. Regarding the El Gallero case, Cedeño said that it seems that the Public Prosecutor’s Office did not show strength in his evidence or that the judge did not weigh the evidence that led to the process.

All of the above demonstrates that a contest is required for the members of the courts to enter the system on merit, in addition to having to purify it.