Financial Pacific money laundering cases  combined


Two processes related to the handling of allegedly irregular funds through the extinct Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage have been linked at the request  of the Seventh Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, for possible money laundering.

One of the processes is related to possible irregularities of FP in the management of the High Spirit account to the detriment of the Superintendence of the Stock Market (SMV) .

According to the prosecution, there were transactions of $1 million, $ 2.9 million and up to $4 million in the entries and exits of the High Spirit account with money from the alleged commission of financial crimes in the Panamanian stock market system

The other file is from a complaint filed by Caye International Bank registered in Belize that could not recover the money invested in FP, after the brokerage  was intervened by the SMV in 2012, a process that concluded with a forced liquidation of the entity for bad financial management.

In the case of the Bank of Belize (by fraud), the former directors of FP Iván Clare and West Valdés are investigated , the latter detained  in  El Renacer prison  as well as Oscar Rodríguez, former FP accountant; and two other former employees.

In the case of the High Spirit account, the prosecution investigates 14 people, including Roberto De La Espriella, Jesús Veleiro Carballeda, from the law firm Veleiro, Mihalitsianos & De La Espriella (VM&E), who deposited almost $500 thousand in the company’s account.

In addition, there is Gumersindo García Domínguez, who served as director / president of the account; Teresa Sánchez de Abood and Mariel Rodríguez Espino, FP compliance officers; and Josué Absalón Chávez and Carlos Javier Osorio Wald, former FP managers.

Also linked are Ori Sasson Zbeda, Aaron Mizrachi Malca, Navin Mohan Bhakta, Tse Yum Ling, Miguel Mihalitsianos, and the former directors of Financial Pacific Valdés and Clare.