Judge validates evidence in lawmaker sex-crimes probe

Judge Harry Díaz, judge of guarantees of the case against  PRD lawmaker  Arquesio Arias for the alleged crimes of carnal rape and libidinous acts, validated a series of digital and documentary evidence presented by the prosecutor of the case   Judge Olmedo Arrocha .

In a  closed doors hearing, because a minor is involved,  on Thursday, December 12, Díaz endorsed material seized in the cell phones of the victims and Arias. He also decided to accept as evidence the testimonies collected on a tour to, in the Guna Yala region, on  October 19.

Dr Arquesio Arias , is investigated by the Supreme Court for the alleged violation of two women, one of them a minor.

On October 22, the plenary of the Court decided that Arias should remain under house arrest  and deliver his diplomatic and personal passports, while the process continues.

Complaints against Arias arise from events allegedly recorded in 2018, when the deputy of circuit 10-2 worked as a doctor at the Ustupu health center.