Swimming Party Horror – Battered Bodies of 7 Murdered Teens Found Near Lake Gatun

The bodies of seven youths,  three girls and four boys aged 13 to 16  believed to have been bludgeoned to death on their way to a swimming party in Lake  Gatun were found on Saturday morning  July 18, in a wooded area of ​​the José Domingo Espinar residential complex in the township of Cristóbal in Colón.

They were reported missing on Friday by their parents, after they had gone out to bathe in Lake Gatún at noon, with six other teenagers.

Nine of the group are from the Valle Verde sector of Puerto Escondido, and the rest from Panama City, who were visiting.

According to preliminary investigations, five bodies were inside a bunker and two outside.

The discovery was made by the relatives after undertaking a search although they had already made a complaint about the disappearances to the Police.

According to the first statements of those who managed to escape, they were on their way to the lake when they were intercepted by two armed men. They were then stripped of their cell phones and other belongings.

The bodies were reported to have been badly beaten Police found some bullet casings at the scene. But Public Ministry investigations will determine if they died from blows from bullets