OPINION: A bipolar Ministry

A bipolar crisis seems to be affecting the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Mici). On the one hand, it summons different sectors and unions to dialogue to define the future of mining in the country; on the other, it surprisingly incorporates 25 thousand hectares to the mining concession regime, to the detriment of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor. To conclude, he announces that he has received a proposal from a Canadian company to allegedly invest $200 million in the reactivation of the Molejón mine. We learned about this after months of secret conversations between the Mici and the chosen company, about which much is ignored and little is known, almost nothing flattering. Is this the most convenient for the country? Why do we continue to compromise our natural resources, if there is supposed to be a table to define precisely the country’s strategy? The Mici has not yet been able to regularize the situation of the operator of a concession declared illegal by the Supreme Court, but it is already ready to open a new front, without calling a public act or defining the rules. It seems that the only bet for the economic reactivation of the country is mining, whatever it may be. – LA PRENSA, May 30